Ground Floor Farm

An urban organic farm located in downtown Stuart, Florida.

The community hub featured a large organic produce garden, kitchen, restaurant, garden terrace, art gallery, and community space.

Their visual identity is centered around the elements of air, earth, and water. The style is hand-drawn and watercolour, which is an unusual and quite bold choice, but it worked wonderfully. It sparked curiosity, conveyed a personal connection, and stood out from everything else. 

Ground Floor Farm - logos
Official logos
Ground Floor Farm - product labels
Product labels
Ground Floor Farm - merchandise prints
Merchandise prints

The posters promoted events at the farm and were different each time. The unique designs truly made these posters stand out from other advertisements in town and the wider farming community.

Ground Floor Farm - Exterior Mural
The Mural Project

The farm commissioned me to design and paint an exterior mural for the grand opening of "The Mural Project." They selected a design that represents the elements of air, water, and earth.

During the painting process, a local tourist bus deviated from its usual route to show tourists the progress of the mural. Additionally, an article was published about it in the local newspaper.

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